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Anna Gelderd
House of Commons
Dear Anna,
I am writing to you as a concerned constituent regarding the Climate and Nature Bill (CAN Bill), which is scheduled for its second reading on 24 January 2025. While I appreciate the intent behind addressing climate change and its potential ecological decline, I have several reservations about the proposed legislation and this governments targets to achieve net zero.
Firstly, the economic implications of the CAN Bill would be substantial. Implementing such wide-reaching changes would lead to increased costs for businesses and individuals, potentially affecting jobs and livelihoods in sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, and energy. Additionally if the UK were to fully engage with all the recommendations contained within this bill and the meet all the net zero targets, it would have zero impact on the global climate. The UK emits <0.9% of world emissions.
Secondly, there's a concern about the feasibility of the targets set by the bill and the net zero targets to which it aligns. While the ambition to protect nature is commendable, the practical steps to achieve these goals without significant disruption require careful scrutiny. I worry that the rapid pace might lead to rushed policy decisions that could have long-term negative consequences if not properly thought out.
Additionally, I am concerned about the potential for this bill to infringe on personal freedoms. The establishment of a citizens' assembly to advise on strategy, while democratic, could lead to policies that do not reflect the diverse views across the UK or might not give adequate voice to those sectors most affected.
Given these considerations, I urge you to reconsider your support for this bill in its current form. Perhaps a more nuanced approach, with greater stakeholder engagement, and a more open and transparent dialogue with your constituents explaining how their lives will change if this CAN Bill is embedded into our system. To date, the dramatic changes to individuals way of life to achieve net zero has never been fully explained. I would hope going forward, that any legislation that incurs major changes to our lives, is at the very least discussed in a more open and detailed manner.
I would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on these concerns and how you plan to address them in the upcoming vote. I am eager to ensure that any action taken is considerate of the socio-economic impacts on us all.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,