What Can I do?
We need help in all shapes and sizes.
almost constructed
Leafleting and distribution

If you enjoy a good stroll, maybe this is how you can help, with only 30 volunteers we managed to cover a huge area, IMAGINE what we could do with 300 folks across SEC. Do you know or own a business that would take some fliers? What about badges? or delivering signs?
Emailers and campaigners

In this age of email when getting in touch is so quick and effortless for everyone, it has never been easier to let our views be known to those in government. Write to your MP about everything that concerns you.
Email your MP about everything. Even though the chances are you didn't vote for them, they are your representative in parliament.
We have a templates page if you don't fancy writing your own missive.
Stand As A Councillor!! Whats involved?

The Council elections in May are our primary concern at the moment. Barely half of the fourteen wards in South East Cornwall have candidates. If you want the best for your community, you could make a big difference by standing as a councillor for that ward.
Reform UK offers training and we have existing councillors who are only too happy to offer help and advice. If this is something that you’d like to do, go to our main website (link) and register your interest.
We have 2x ex councillors to chat with and answer questions.

A proportion of your membership fee will come to the Branch and will cover operating expenses. Fundraising is crucial to the Branch and the Party will match fund any donations, so the more efficient we are at raising funds, the more we can do in, and for, the community.
Any ideas that members may have are always welcome, they might be social events, guest speakers, raffles, or appeals to local businesses. If you have a brilliant idea to raise funds, please have a go at organising it yourself.